February 18, 2012

And that was that

Well, we're back 'home' (in Rjukan) and in the great bag-packing rotation that just keeps on rolling, we are ready to move on again later tonight. Our nordic ski journey was memorable...and yes, that does mean a mixture of things, but only in the ways that adventures are: hard work, retrospectively enjoyable in places, and beautiful momentarily. As James commented, 'this is learning to nordic ski Glasgow Academy style: 17 kilometres, with packs, on day one, with another two days of skiing ahead!' Pam and I lost a lot of heel skin between us - it's a shame we don't get extra luggage allowance for that. As for the bruises, well - some people have more bruise than not, particularly in the knee and shin area.
Kerr getting some air.

Pamela about to wolf a whole malt loaf (okay, she did share a bit)!
As Nigel would say, 'more boring beauty...'.                                       

More of the same...                            

Reindeer stew and rehydrated mash - surprisingly edible when you've been skiing (or taking your skis for a walk) for enough hours in the dark.
Mountain hut style, as demonstrated by Kerr.                                

Sloaros, the second of our mountain huts                                         

Mountain man, Nigel Williams, in his element

Most of the team can be spotted ahead.
The team very nearly at the end of our journey, but not quite: just one little green home run. This slope resulted in all sorts of carnage and uncrumpling, never mind being surrounded by scores of competent Norwegian tots on skis. 

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