June 23, 2012

S6 white water kayaking

Sometimes the conditions just don't allow you to follow a meticulously planned programme. IN fact, adapting the plan is more common than following the plan! Until the end of this week, rivers across Scotland have been empty - many of them lower than they have ever been since recording their levels began. With a severe lack of water about and white water kayaking on the last of the OE programme for this school year, I decided that 'abandoning ship' and taking to the water ourselves was the best way to get any where near white water! 

Cameron, Pam, Craig and I had a fun, not-far-off-bitterly-cold, fun descent of the Bruar, involving stacks of abseils, jumping into pools, slinking along on your belly through pools and some crazy dancing (or normal, depending on the individual) to stave off the hypothermia. Fortunately the midges didn't join us. We rounded it all off with delicious soup to warm up, a very intense butter debate and ice creams to cool down. Perfect. 

O yeah: rocking that wetsuit, harness look.
A short stroll through the woods to the start. We did pass a few dismayed tourists.
When we were still warm. Do my feet look big in this?

Craig about to be lowered in to the abyss.
 Pam looking utterly relaxed / oblivious.

 Cameron under water.
Craig having just emerged from yet another very deep little pool.
 Cameron taking the plunge.


June 13, 2012

S6 sea kayaking, day three

After a lunch stop at the tiny island of Easdale, off Easdale (!) on Seil island, the group continued on their way. Incidentally, this is where the annual stone skimming championships are held. Well, who knew it. 

Elspeth's new pal, Mop, (great at stone skimming but not so keen to jump in her boat) was heart broken to see her leave.

Elspeth searches desperately for a shower on the island of Torsa, home for the final night's camp.
The end of the sea journey.