Over a long weekend in September a small team headed very far north for a mini expedition. This time last year we went on a trip to canoe in to Suilven and it certainly was adventurous, mostly for the right reasons! This time round we decided to go on a canoe journey around Stac Pollaidh. We arrived very late on Friday evening and camped wild, down by the sea. After an amazing star gazing session the night before, we awoke to a beautiful morning and view out to sea.
On Sunday we woke up on our little in the middle of loch Sionascaig. We could see Stac Pollaidh, which we'd climbed the evening before, in one direction and Suilven in the other. The camp slowly woke up and we started our day with a breakfast of tea and crepes with Nuteela, toffee sauce and bananas on them! We then packed our bags and set off.
We soon came across a waterfall, which meant unloading our canoes and having Miss Goolden and Nikki walk them down. Unfortunately for us, our boat flooded, which resulted vin an escaped barrel and a roll mat! After all three canoes were down we set off to regain our belongings! Miss Goolden had gone on ahead in the hope she would get there before us and have the minibus ready. A few portages later we finally loaded the canoes up for the last time. After paddling across the final bay we only had to help reverse the minibus down an uneven and steep track before loading up started.
Everything was packed up and we drove even further north to Reiff. Here, after a quick lunch of hot dogs, we set off to climb some of the impressive walls on the seafront. Climbing up these smooth cliffs with the angry swell of the sea crashing at the bottom was definitely an interesting and very unforgetable experience!
That evening we watched the sun set over the Outer Hebrides and then ate a meal of much requested pesto pasta! The our lazy selves realised we couldn't face pitching another tent, so we elected to sleep in the minibus. Whilst Miss Goolden and Nikki walked to the rock slab they were sleeping on, we sat in the minibus, chatting and listening to Taylor Swift, before we finally fell asleep." Rachel, S4 pupil.
After a fairly hefty portage from a tiny loch, over a hillock and in to the main loch north of Stac Pollaidh we were met with stunning views of the area. I couldn't resist a swim amidst this landscape and although it looks appealing, it was rather cold! However.....
Rachel's leap of faith.
Leon appearing to walk on water.
Sarah prepares for the plunge.
Leon makes it ashore. In fact, everyone swam.

Picnic spot number one.
Sarah can only get away with this because she was wearing a brilliant hat!
That hat.
Our island for the night. Nikki gets a moment of piece - probably not as much as that actually. Stac Pollaidh is the mountain on the right hand skyline.
On our way Stac Pollaidh in the evening.
'Our' island is the main one in the middle of the loch. Suilven is on the skyline to the right.
The girls enjoying a well earned break. We canoed back to our island in the dark, had a tasty supper and mini fire on the shore.
Rachel and Rosa tucking in to a breakfast of pancakes, bananas, marshmallows and chocloate spread. And she brought us all a cuppa in bed!
Sarah enjoying the breakfast view and a Titanic moment, soon to be joined by Rosa.
What was meant to be a leisurely tootle back to the bus...turned out to be the adventurous bit - several rapids and heroic portages later and a whole lot of effort, we made it back to the civilisation of a tarmac road and our bus.
After Rachel feeding us all once again, we walked to the lovely sea crag 'Reiff'. For Sarah and Rosa this was their first rock climbing experience.
Yep, that is definitely a grin!
Sarah learning fast that ropes really do work.
The girls loving the rock.
Nikki gets a final climb out.